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Heinous Whining Presents: Music For Broken Violins // Anna Peaker // Bird Brains // Lewys Holt
3rd July 2024 @ 7:30 pm - 11:00 pm

An unusually packed out Heinous Whining schedule rolls forth with a showcase of pure fringe wandering in the realm of near-music
£8 or 4 low or unwaged – no one ever turned away for lack of funds as always
Serbian born, New York City based violinist Marija Kovačević works in classical, experimental and improvised music and theater. She has a B.M and M.M degrees in Violin Performance from Fakultet Muzičkih Umetnosti in Belgrade, Serbia.
While working as a violin teacher at the Brooklyn Music School in 2020, Kovačević came upon a storage closet full of broken violins and took them home, imagining that the discarded instruments might have an afterlife as an installation for experimentation by non-musicians. Playing around with them herself, she soon discovered a heterogeneous world of rich sounding potential within the unpredictable, once-precious objects. Learning how to work with and from each broken violin and bow, Kovačević has since developed an idiosyncratic vocabulary of dragging strings, playing cracks, bowing broken bodies, wrapping loose hair, and creaking pegs. In performance, there is a minimalist, ritualistic structure to her unembellished studies, as each instrument is approached in procession, with silence in between each visceral deviance from the accepted technical norms. In addition to three volumes of Music for Broken Violins, Kovačević’s broken violins also appear on a duo cassette with Thierry Müller. Adrian Rew, Ergot Records
Wiping the dust off the zither strings and adding it lavishly to ferric tape chop and sampular breakdown Anna uses any and all tools to create murk and lurk that sounds like it’s fresh off the Edison Tube of a fever-battered Edison
More dredged soundworks to squirm under from the Brain of Bird. This time she’s exploring and attempting to play years word of hoarded tape left inexplicably for years and years around a specific Newcastle estate. What horrors uncovered?
Contemporary dance meets vocal improvisation into physical full body shiftos. “ They make score based choreographies, which combine improvisation with subtle wit and formal experimentation that push the boundaries of disciplines to make innovative performances.” or so I’m told