Upcoming Events
Wharf Chambers is home to a diverse range of events. From gigs and club nights to fundraisers and socials, we’ve been host to craft markets, film screenings, creative workshops and so much more!
Interested in putting on an event?
Please contact bookings@wharfchambers.org
Red Brut / Bathing Suits / Territorial Gobbing / Victoria Peaches
February 12 @ 7:30 pm - 11:00 pm
More Heinous Whining means more happenings from the fringes of rock, soundzzz, noise and performance art mischief galore! This time we got DIY tapewonk and bizarro art life bandster Red Brut from Groningen + no-wave party ranthems, murky awkward tape looped nonsense from T Gobbs and fresh DJ noise post-modern sample shred set from familiar Leeds drag face Vicotira Peaches
It’s my birthday too there’ll be cake and food and a good tim to be had by all – Theo x
8 quid or 4 low or unwaged or name your price x
Red Brut – Top tier work in the world of tape-collage murk. Implacable sounds perfectly balanced and then expertly smeared into mud-dense-inner-inner-sonic-worlds. Simple magic!
Bathing Suits – high energy low melody drum machine no-wave YES!
Territorial Gobbing – It’s my birthday and I’ll play if I want to. Please bring any whistles, flutes, tooty noisemakers if you want to be involved
Victoria Peaches – DJ shred noise debut from the charismatic terror of the Leeds drag scene
Poster by @red_brut